This is a blog in which I record my exciting adventures in Africa!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Its Friday evening, but I just have time to dash off a quickie before I have to go back to work. We covered a big news conference today about the construction of a natural gas pipeline in to Ghana, lots of reporters and tv cameramen. My heart was beating about a mile a minute, but I stood up and asked the Chairperson of The Resource Center for Whatever a question about the 'completion date' of the pipeline, and was pleased to recieve a satisfactory answer. My friends and I are going away to a beach resort town for the weekend, so in order to make sure the story will be filed in time for the Monday paper I have to do it tonight.
The newspaper business is fascinating and I'm learning a lot. One should write simple sentences and short and snappy paragraphs.
George, an editor at the paper, called me 'Downtown Manhattan', and it stuck. As I walk through the gate and make my way to the office, I am besieged on all sides by calls of 'Downtown!' 'Downtown!'. In the street, I am Obruni, whiteman. But this is not derogatory, it is a greeting and many random pedestrians have started conversations with me this way.
I will have pictures next time.


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